Abortion is healthcare.
If you're seeking an abortion in Kitsap County, you have a few different options.
Medication is available for safe, private, self-managed abortions done in the comfort of your own home. Learn more about Mifepristone and Misoprostol.
You can get medications for abortion at
Planned Parenthood of Bremerton.
723 NE Riddell Road, Suite A
Bremerton, WA 98310
PP Bremerton sees patients who have been pregnant 11 weeks or less (11 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. You can determine how far along your pregnancy is by using the pregnancy calculator on the right-hand side of the SASS website). We recommend setting your appointment using PP's online tool so you can avoid having to navigate their phone tree.
You can see a clinician at Planned Parenthood Bremerton via telehealth, and have the medications mailed to you at home. Likewise, we recommend using the online tool to set your appointment.
You can order medications online from a different provider or pharmacy.
Plan C collects all reputable sources for you so you can find the one that best meets your needs. These sources have been vetted by Plan C and are distributing genuine abortion medications. Several sources come with clinician assistance, but some are pills only. Plan C pill sources usually serve people who are 10-13 weeks or less.
If you're farther along than 13 weeks, or if you'd prefer an in-clinic abortion, you'll need to travel to a clinic outside the county. If this travel will be a hardship, contact the Northwest Abortion Access Fund.
If you can travel to Tacoma, your options are:
Planned Parenthood Tacoma
1515 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Tacoma, WA 98405
PP Tacoma performs in-clinic ("surgical") abortions up to 15 weeks 6 days. They also offer medication abortion up to 11 weeks.
Cedar River Clinic Tacoma
1401-A Martin Luther King Way
Tacoma, WA 98405
CRC Tacoma performs in-clinic ("surgical") abortions up to 26 weeks 4 days. They also offer medication abortion up to 11 weeks.
If it's easier for you to take the ferry into Seattle, your options are numerous.
Visit I Need an A for the full list.
Getting financial help
Abortion can be expensive, but there many resources available to help with the cost.
If you have health insurance in Washington State, and if that insurance covers maternity care, it must also cover abortion. That goes for Medicaid (Apple Health), too. Find out if you're eligible for Medicaid here. The one exception to this rule is Providence Health Plan, which has a religious objection to covering abortion. If you're insured by Providence, the state will cover the cost of your abortion for you. Call the Washington Department of Health customer service line at
800-525-0127 or email ReproductiveChoice@doh.wa.govIf you don't have insurance and don't qualify for Medicaid, you can contact the Northwest Abortion Access Fund to help with costs, including the cost of the procedure, transportation, lodging, and more. They will also help with the cost of pills by mail.
If you're Indigenous, you can also contact Hummingbird Indigenous Family Services and/or Indigenous Women Rising for help funding your abortion.

“When you have bodily autonomy and the freedom to get the health care you want,
need and deserve, your whole world changes and you are able to thrive…”
Ylonda Gault